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Car Accidents & Personal Injury



As a former municipal court judge for eight and a half years presiding over a traffic trial docket in the City of Mobile, Matt Green brings a unique experience in the traffic code and its enforcement to any client who is injured by a driver who violates the rules of the road.


As a municipal court judge, Matt Green tried thousands of DUI cases, reckless driving, speeding, improper lane usage, and countless other traffic violations. As an assistant district attorney in neighboring Baldwin County, Alabama, he prosecuted hundreds of DUI related cases ranging from Murder to Criminally Negligent Homicide in district and circuit courts of Baldwin County. If you have been injured by the negligence or criminal conduct of another party, or by a drunk or drugged driver, call Matt for a free consultation.

Premises Liability: Slip and Fall



Matt Green represents those persons who are victims of a crime at a business or apartment complex because of the failure of business to make sure the safety of their tenants or customers is a priority.


Whether you were injured in a slip, trip, or fall, talk to Matt about what your legal options are.  If a child was injured due to an unattended or unsafe swimming pool or if they are harmed by an animal, you should be aware of every legal remedy available to you.

DUI & Criminal Defense



As a former municipal court judge for eight and a half years presiding over a traffic trial docket in the City of Mobile, Matt Green brings a unique experience to any client charged with a traffic violation. As a municipal court judge, Matt Green tried thousands of DUI cases, reckless driving, speeding, improper lane usage, and countless other traffic violations. As an assistant district attorney in neighboring Baldwin County, Alabama, he prosecuted hundreds of DUI related cases ranging from Murder to Criminally Negligent Homicide in district and circuit courts of Baldwin County.


In private practice, he has represented those charged with DUIs in nearly every state and city court in both Mobile County and Baldwin County.


Alabama’s new DUI law, effective July of 2014, significantly changed the penalties for those convicted of DUI, even for a first time offender.  Know your rights and your options.

Constitutional Law



Today, perhaps more than ever before, our rights secured by both the Alabama and federal constitution are ignored and at times intentionally violated by our employers and local, state, and federal rules, regulations, and statutes. Government is instituted among men to secure the blessings of liberty, and our constitutions are our greatest protection against arbitrary actions which abridge our rights.


  • Have you been denied the right to earn a living and livelihood because of an intrusive and unconstitutional licensing scheme?

  • Have you been unconstitutionally denied the right to protect yourself or your family by being forbidden to possess a firearm?

  • Have you been unlawfully arrested or deprived of a well-recognized constitutional right?

  • Have the authorities taken your property and kept it without ever charging you with a crime pursuant to a civil asset forfeiture proceeding? Are you an innocent owner?

  • Has your employer, any governmental entity, or your school denied you free speech?

  • Has your employer, any governmental entity, or your school discriminated against you for exercising a sincerely held religious belief?

Civil Rights and Employment Law


Just as in the case of Constitutional Law, Civil Rights and Employment Law are worth fighting for.


  • Has your employer, any governmental entity, or your school denied you free speech?

  • Has your employer, any governmental entity, or your school discriminated against you for exercising a sincerely held religious belief?

  • Are you a business who has suffered any of these constitutional injuries? Yes, businesses have constitutional rights as well.


Matt Green has a deep commitment to civil rights work. He represents individuals who have been the victim of harassment, coercion, intimidation, physical violence or discrimination based upon age, disability, medical condition, national origin, gender, race, ethnicity, or religion, as well as those people whose constitutional rights have been violated by the government, the police, employers or others.

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DUI Injury Law
Premises Liability
DUI Criminal Defense
Constitutional Law
Civil Rights Employment Law
The Law Office of Matt Green
The Pollock-Altmayer House
501 Government Street
Suite 1
Mobile, AL 36602
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Website Content Copyright 2017 Matt Green.

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